After the success of "Mentuhotep II" Prince of Taiba around 2065 BC. From the reunification of the country he established a strong government that succeeded in consolidating the system and restoring security, which helped the country's economic recovery and the progress of the arts and architecture and then began the year 2000 BC. The rule of a great man is Amenemhat I, who is credited with building the renaissance that emerged in the days of the Middle Kingdom.
Architecture and international trade
The kings and queens of the Twelfth Dynasty have gained international fame in the fields of politics, war, culture, civilization and religion, such as Ahmose, the emancipatory hero, Amenhotep the First, who issued a law on the prevention of forced labor and the setting of fair standards for wages and incentives. North and South, the spread of education, the opening of mines and the mining industry, Tuthmosis the Second, Tuthmosis the Third, the Emperor of the greatest military genius and the first great light in the history of the world, diplomat to record and record international treaties, Amenhotep the Third is the richest king of P The ancient world, which opened schools "houses of life" to spread education, plastic arts and applied, and "Akhenaten" the first Unitarian first
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