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Ramses 2 . Rmses the great

His life
Ramses II is the son of King City I and Queen Toya .. Among the most famous wives were Nefertari .. Among his other wives, Isis Novart and Maat Hor Nfro Ra, and Princess Hati .. The number of his sons about 90 daughter and son. Among his children are Bentanath, Marietta Security, Tanakht, Pharaoh Merniftah and Prince Khaymouset.

Ramses had several names, but the most important of them were two: his royal name and his original name.
The royal name is "The Mystery of the Ra'at Ra'n", meaning: Strong Ra and Ma'at.
The original name is "Ra Mas Su Mari Emen", meaning "Ra's Spirit" or beloved Amun .He built many impressive temples and statues, and one of the most important temples erected by Ramses II is the following:
Abu Simbel Complex: An archaeological site located in the mountain belly south of Aswan. It is composed of two large temples carved in rock. It was built by King Ramses II in 1250 BC. The façade of the temple is made up of four large statuettes, a 67-foot (20-meter) king statue and a door leading to 180-foot-long rooms. There are also six statues at the entrance of the other temple, four of them for Ramses II and two for his wife Nefertari.

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